ArtTrivets are colorful, unique, and practical. Designed in Israel and manufactured in the USA, they ship quickly from our warehouse in Los Angeles. Standard margins.
“We have been ordering table runners from Yael Resnick for the last 2 years. They continue to be one of our most popular holiday items for all the major holidays as well as a great seller throughout the year. The vibrant colours and designs attract the eye and stand out in our display.”
– Sarah Zeldman-Novak, Israel’s Judaica Centre in Ontario, Canada
Jerusalem Hills outsells other designs by 3x, Pomegranate by 2x.
Splitting of the Sea outsells others by 5-10x at Passover.
Minimum order 10.
We are based in Israel, and we ship ArtTrivets worldwide from Barkan, Israel and Los Angeles, CA.
Join our resellers mailing list here.
For orders please contact ben@yaelharrisresnick.com

EAN | Description | SKU |
0669014284099 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Splitting Sea, 40x102cm (16x40in) | yhrtblrun-rub-sea-102 |
0669014284129 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Rimosaic Pomegranate, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-pomosaic-120 |
0669014284112 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Jerusalem Hills, 30x120cm (12x48in) – LOW STOCK | yhrtblrun-rub-jeruhill-120 |
0669014284235 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, City of Gold, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-citygold-120 |
0669014284242 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Shabbat Garden – Day, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-shagarday-120 |
0669014284266 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Shabbat Garden – Night, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-shagarnigt-120 |
0669014284259 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Genesis, 30x120cm (12x48in) – NEW | yhrtblrun-rub-genesis-120 |
0669014284136 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, 7 Species, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-7spec-120 |
0669014284143 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Israel Flag, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-Isrfl-120 |
0669014284150 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Mandala, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-mand-120 |
0669014284211 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Chanukah Lights, 30x120cm (12x48in) – DISCONTINUED | yhrtblrun-rub-chanlight-120 |
0669014284228 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Chanukah Tiles, 30x120cm (12x48in) | yhrtblrun-rub-chantile-120 |
0669014284181 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Sukkot Papercut, 30x120cm (12x48in) – DISCONTINUED | yhrtblrun-rub-sukpaper-120 |
0669014284105 | Fabric/Rubber ArtTrivet Table Runner, Creation, 30x120cm (12x48in) – DISCONTINUED | yhrtblrun-rub-creat-120 |
0669014284372 | Israel Map Puzzle 500 pcs 40x58cm (14×23 in) – Hebrew | yhrpuz-50023-isrctnheb-58 |
0669014284396 | Israel Heart Wooden Puzzle 209 pcs 35×58 cm (13.5×23 in) | yhrwdpz-30023-isrht-58 |
669014284433 | Challah Cover Pomegranate Blue 50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-pomblue |
669014284440 | Challah Cover Pomegranate Tan 50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-pomtan |
669014284457 | Challah Cover City of Gold (Jerusalem in the Round) 40×50 cm (16×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-jeruround |
669014284464 | Challah Cover Genesis 40×50 cm (16×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-genesis |
669014284471 | Challah Cover Shabbat Garden – Day 50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-shagarday |
669014284488 | Challah Cover Shabbat Garden – Night 50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-shagarnigt |
669014284495 | Challah Cover Seven Species Watercolor 40×50 cm (16×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-waterclr |
669014284501 | Challah Cover Next Year in Jerusalem (Splitting Sea) -50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-nxtyrsea |
669014284518 | Challah Cover Miriam and the Righteous Women 50×50 cm (20×20 in) | yhrcov-fab-mirmwmn |